Past Programs on Science
Listed by Date
Highlighted Guest Names are Linked to Photographs and Sound Clips

   Sacred Sites Mystery School, Autumn Equinox 2000 Journey to Machu Picchu, Peru 

March 8, 1999.  The Unity of Wisdom and Knowledge with Dean Brown, PhD, a physicist, cosmologist, philosopher and Sanskrit scholar, whose translation of the Upanishads was published by the Philosophical Research Society.

March 11, 1999.  Physics and Consciousness with Fred Alan Wolf, PhD,  physicist, is author of The Spiritual Universe, The Dreaming Universe, The Body Quantum, StarWave, Space Time and Beyond, Parallel Universes, The Eagle's Quest and other books.  Learn more about Fred's activities at

March 12, 1999.  Market Wisdom with Carl Cook, President of BioComp Systems, Inc., of Redmond, Washington.  See  We explore the use of artificial neural networks in the field of business and financial forecasting.

March 18, 1999.  The Unity of Wisdom and Knowledge II with Dean Brown, PhD, physicist, cosmologist, philosopher and Sanskrit scholar, whose translation of the Upanishads was published by the Philosophical Research Society.  He is a founder of Zylog corporation, and has been a pioneer in the field of computing applications in education.

March 26, 1999.  What Do We Know about ESP?  Here, host Jeffrey Mishlove -- who holds America's only accredited doctoral diploma in "Parapsychology," shares with the listening audience some of the data -- gathered by researchers during the past 150 years -- about extrasensory perception.

March 29, 1999.  Consciousness and Hyperspace with Saul-Paul Sirag.  Saul-Paul Sirag is author of the section on hyperspace and consciousness in Jefrey Mishlove's classic book, The Roots of Consciousness. He is a moderator of the Quantum-Mind discussion list co-sponsored by the Intuition Network and the Consciousness Studies program at the University of Arizona.  See Click here to read a transcript of this interview.

April 1, 1999.  Learning to Use ESP with Charles Tart, PhD, author of Waking Up, States of Consciousness, and editor of classical anthologies such as Altered States of Consciousness, Learning to Use Extrasensory Perception, Transpersonal Psychologies and Body Mind Spirit. Dr. Tart is a professor emeritus at the University of California, Davis, and is on the faculty of the Institute for Transpersonal Psychology (see  For Dr. Tart's home page and archives, see

April 14, 1999.  The Integration of Knowledge and Wisdom, Part III, with Dean Brown, PhD, physicist, cosmologist, philosopher and Sanskrit scholar, whose translation of the Upanishads was published by the Philosophical Research Society.  He is a founder of Zylog corporation, and has been a pioneer in the field of computing applications in education.

April 15, 1999.  Contacting Space IntelligencesJeffrey Mishlove discourses about his ten year investigation into the mysterious life of Ted Owens, a man who claimed to be in regular telepathic contact with "space intelligences."   See Click here to read the transcript of this monologue.

April 16, 1999.  Evidence for Life After Death.  Jeffrey Mishlove reviews 150 years of scientific investigations into spiritualism, mediumship, apparitions, near death experience, and related experiences -- including a life-transforming personal encounter of his own.

April 26, 1999.  Exploring the Paranormal with Elliott Madison, Director of the White Crow Society.  Elliott is a specialist in field investigations of hauntings, apparitions, nocturnal visitations and poltergeists.  See

April 27, 1999. Subjective Psi Experiences and Brain Functioning with Vernon Neppe, MD, PhD, author of Cry The Beloved Mind: A Voyage of Hope.  Our discussion will focus on deja vu, subjective paranormal experience (SPE), link of the temporal lobe and SPE, the new philosophical theory of vortex pluralism,  "the lady who predicts earthquakes" by preceding epileptic seizures, normality, various psychiatric disorders and brain medications.  See See and

April 29, 1999.  Misconceptions of the Twentieth Century with Dean Brown, physicist, cosmologist, philosopher and Sanskrit scholar, whose translation of the Upanishads was published by the Philosophical Research Society.  He is a founder of Zylog corporation, and has been a pioneer in the field of computing applications in education.

May 3, 1999.  Somatic Psychology with Eleanor Criswell Hanna, EdD, yoga teacher and head of the Somatic Institute in Novato, California.  See

May 6, 1999.  Physics and Consciousness II with Fred Alan Wolf, PhD, a physicist, is author of The Spiritual Universe, The Dreaming Universe, The Body Quantum, StarWave, Space Time and Beyond, Parallel Universes, The Eagle's Quest and other books.  Learn more about Fred's activities at

May 7, 1999.  Consciousness and Neurology with Julian Isaacs, PhDAn examination of the role of the brain in consciousness and spirituality.  See  See  E-mail:  Phone (415) 455-5406.

May 10, 1999.  Understanding UFO Phenomena and Alien Contact with James Harder, PhD, former director of research of the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization, and one of the country's foremost experts in the phenomena of ostensible alien contact.

May 11, 1999.  Frontiers of Science with Beverly Rubik, PhD, founder of the Institute for Frontier Science and a specialist on consciousness, spirit, subtle energies and energy medicine.  See

May 20, 1999.  Linguistics and Consciousness with Dan Moonhawk Alford, PhD, professor of English and linguistics at California State University, Hayward, and other schools.

May 28, 1999.  Why is Physics Mathematical with Dean Brown, PhD.  Here Dean Brown and Jeffrey Mishlove explore the incredible relationship between dense physical matter and abstract mathematics.  The question was explored in Pythagorean mysticism and numerology.

June 4, 1999.  Science and Consciousness with Brian O'Leary, PhD, former astronaut and professor of astrophysics at Princeton, Cornell, Berkeley and Cal Tech.  O'Leary is author of Exploring Inner and Outer Space, The Second Coming of Science and Miracle in the Void.  See

June 11, 1999.  Consciousness and Evolution with Elisabet Sahtouris, PhD, author of EarthDance: Living Systems in Evolution and A Walk Through Time: From Stardust to Us, and coauthor, with Willis Harman, of Biology Revisited.  See

June 21, 1999.  Subtle Energies, Intentionality and Consciousness with William Tiller, PhD, author of Science and Human Transformation.   To order this book, contact Pavior Publishing, 2910 Camino Diablo, #100, Walnut Creek, California 94596.  Or phone 925-295-0786.

June 28, 1999.  The Hidden History of the Human Race with Michael Cremo, coauthor of Forbidden Archeology.  See

August 4, 1999.  The Reflexive Universe.  Jeffrey Mishlove discussed the work of his mentor, Arthur M. Young -- inventor of the Bell Helicoptor.  See

August 5, 1999.  Social and Cultural Dynamics.  Jeffrey Mishlove discusses the work of the great mystical sociologist, Pitirim A. Sorokin, who founded the Department of Social Relations at Harvard University.  Sorokin's pioneering works focused on the role of love and altruism and spirtuality in society.  His most popular book, still in print after more than sixty years, is The Crisis of Our Age.

August 6, 1999.  Psychokinesis.  Jeffrey Mishlove discusses scientific research on mind over matter.

August 18, 1999.  Physics and Paranormal Phenomena with Elizabeth Rauscher, PhD.

August 24, 1999.  Consciousness and the Technology Revolution with Howard Rheingold, author of Higher Creativity, Virtual Reality, The Virtual Community: Homesteading on the Electronic Frontier, Tools for Thought: The History and Future of Mind-Expanding Technology, Talking Tech: A Conversational Guide to Science and Technology, The Millennium Whole Earth Catalog, and Secrets of the Super Net Searchers.  See

September 3, 1999.  Physics and Extraterrestrial Travel with Saul-Paul Sirag.  See

September 15, 1999.  Science and Wisdom: Quantum Mind with Dean Brown, PhD.

September 23, 1999.  The Physics of the Vacuum State with Mark ComingsSee

October 5, 1999.  Consciousness, Parapsychology and Hyperspace: A Special Discussion with Jeffrey Mishlove.

October 19, 1999.  The Science of Spiritual Consciousness with Joan King, PhD.  See

October 29, 1999.  The Self-Aware Universe with Amit Goswami, PhD, author of The Self-Aware Universe: How Consciousness Creates the Material World, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Creativity, The Concepts of Physics, and The Cosmic Dancers: Exploring the Physics of Science Fiction.  See

November 11, 1999.  Government Uses of Remote Viewing with Dale Graff, author of Tracks in the Psychic Wilderness: An Exploration of ESP, Remote Viewing, Precognitive Dreaming and Synchronicity and River Dreams: The Case of the Missing General and Other Adventures in Psychic Research.  Former director of Project STARGATE.  See

November 15, 1999.  Age Power: How the 21st Century will be Ruled by the New Old with Ken Dychtwald, PhD, author of a book by the same title as well as Body/Mind and Age Wave: The Challenges and Opportunities of an Aging America.  Featured in the videotape, Middlescence and Beyond.  See

November 26, 1999.  Cosmology and Consciousness with Saul-Paul Sirag.  Saul-Paul Sirag is author of the section on hyperspace and consciousness in Jefrey Mishlove's classic book, The Roots of Consciousness.

December 14, 1999.  Exploring the Architecture of Your Brain with Joan King, PhD.  A Professor at Tufts University Schools of Medicine, Boston, MA, for 20 years, Joan served as Chair of the Dept. of Anatomy and Cellular Biology for the Schools of Medicine, developed and directed the Center of Research in Reproduction at Tufts University from 1992-1997.

December 27, 1999.  The Immensity of the Universe with Dean Brown, PhD, physicist, cosmologist, philosopher, computer scientist, entrepreneur, sanskrit scholar and translator of The Upanishads.

December 28, 1999.  The Meaning of Mathematics with Saul-Paul Sirag.  See  Also see

February 3, 2000.  Exploring Spirit, Matter and Physics with Thomas Brophy, PhD, author of The Mechanism Demands A Mysticism.  See

February 11, 2000.  The Many Dimensions of Consciousness with Jean Millay, PhD, editor of  Silver Threads, and author of Multi-Dimensional Mind.

February 14, 2000.  The Pattern Underlying Nature and Consciousness with Lynnclaire Dennis, author of The Pattern.  See

February 29, 2000.  Sexuality in Nature with Dean Brown, PhD, physicist, cosmologist, philosopher and Sanskrit scholar, whose translation of the Upanishads was published by the Philosophical Research Society.  He is a founder of Zylog corporation, and has been a pioneer in the field of computing applications in education.

March 15, 2000.  Quantum Consciousness with Amit Goswami, PhD, author of The Self-Aware Universe: How Consciousness Creates the Material World, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Creativity, The Concepts of Physics, and The Cosmic Dancers: Exploring the Physics of Science Fiction.  See

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