Press Release

For further information, contact:
Obadiah Harris, PhD, President
Philosophical Research Society

Art Exhibit Features Rainbow YinYangs by Parapsychologist Jeffrey Mishlove

    The world premier exhibit of Rainbow YinYang graphics by Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD,  will open at the Philosophical Research Society (3910 Los Feliz Blvd., LA, CA 90027) on Sunday, October 5, 2003.  The exhibit will remain in place through October 21.  This will be the first exhibit, ever, by the artist, Jeffrey Mishlove, 56, who heretofore has been known primarily as a writer, researcher, television host and producer, and dean of programs at the University of Philosophical Research.  The exhibit will be in the auditorium of the Society and will be open for viewing from 1 pm to 5 pm, daily.

    The exhibit will feature three lectures on the symbology and iconography of the rainbow yinyang images.  On October 5, Mishlove’s topic will be: “Rainbow YinYang: The Great Ultimate.”  The following Sunday, October 12, he will speak on “Rainbow YinYang: The Healing Balance.”  And, one week later on October 19, Mishlove’s topic will be “Rainbow YinYang: A Symbol of the Soul’s Liberation.”  All lectures will begin at 11 am.  Afternoon workshops will be held, on the same topics at 1:30 pm.

    One of the Rainbow YinYang images included in the exhibit has been selected as the logo of the nonprofit Intuition Network, an organization dedicated to helping create a world in which all people are encouraged to cultivate their inner, intuitive abilities.  Recently, the board of directors of the Intuition Network has resolved to undertake a new mission - that of initiating a social movement for the liberation of human, psychic potential from the triple restraints of ignorance, prejudice and fear.  A Manifesto for Psychic Liberation has been published on the Intuition Network’s website,, and has been widely redistributed on the worldwide web.  This manifesto, inspired by Andre Breton’s 1924 First Surrealist Manifesto – specifies why the Rainbow YinYang image might come to stand as a symbol for the emerging Psychic Liberation Movement.

     Jeffrey Mishlove received his doctoral diploma in “Parapsychology” from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1980 – through an individual, interdisciplinary doctoral program.  It remains the only such diploma ever awarded by an accredited, American university.  He is author of several books including The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems and The PK Man.  He has served as host of the weekly, national public television series, Thinking Allowed which was in production for fifteen years, from 1987 until 2002 – and can still be seen regularly on the Wisdom Network.     

     Dr. Mishlove has been creating Rainbow YinYang images for over a quarter century working with colored pencil, water color and airbrush.  One image was even made into the frosting of his wedding cake in 1978.  When asked why he has focused so intensely on this design, Mishlove states, “If I could take everything that I have learned in decades of metaphysical and scientific study and boil it down to one graphic image, this would be it.”
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