Intuition, Parapsychology and Consciousness
     This is a graduate course, taught by Jeffrey Mishlove, offered for academic credit by the California Institute for Integral Studies.  The course is part of the distant learning program of CIIS.  For information about summer and fall schedules and registration (and auditing), phone Vickie Zhang at 415-575-6257.  The course outline follows:

Intuition, Parapsychology and Consciousness
CIIS Online Graduate Course
Jeffrey Mishlove, Ph.D., Instructor

Week One: Introduction
        The Seat of the Soul with Gary Zukav
        Science and Spiritual Traditions with Charles T. Tart, PhD
        Self Observation with Charles T. Tart, PhD
        Mind Power with Bernie Zilbergeld, PhD
        Psychology of Religious Experience with Huston Smith, PhD
        Beyond the Post-Modern Mind with Huston Smith, PhD
        Explanations of the Supernatural with Michael Scriven, PhD

Week Two: Intuition

Week Three Intuition Week Four: Intuition Assignment One:    Write a paper, approximately five pages in length, describing four instances in
your life:  A true intuition that you acted upon, a true intuition that you failed to act upon, an
apparant (i.e., false) intuition that you acted on, and apparent (i.e., false) intuition that you did not
act upon.  What conclusions can you draw from these experiences?

Week Five:  Intuition and Parapsychology
        Time and Transformation with Peter Russell
        The White Hole in Time with Peter Russell
        The Tibetan View and Life and Death with Sogyal Rinpoche
        What is Kundalini with Lee Sannella, MD
        Training Psychic Intuition with Kathlyn Rhea
        Science and Mysticism with Beverly Rubik, PhD
        Personality Development and the Psyche with Helen Palmer

Week Six: Intuition and Parapsychology

Week Seven: Parapsychology Week Eight: Parapsychology Week Nine: Parapsychology Assignment Two:  Review the experiences that you reported for the first assignment in the light of
the data (or lack of data) from parapsychology.  Are there further insights you can draw, either for
yourself personally, or with regard to philosophical, theoretical and research issues?

Week Ten: Parapsychology and Consciousness
        The Integration of Knowledge and Wisdom with Dean Brown, PhD
        Esoteric Science with Ralph Metzner, PhD
        Accelerated Thought with David Devor
        Healing and Shamanism with Alberto Villoldo, PhD
        Eco-Psychology with Theodore Roszak, PhD

Week Eleven: Parapsychology and Consciousness

Week Twelve: Consciousness Week Thirteen: Consciousness Week Fourteen: Consciousness Week Fifteen: Consciousness Final paper:  Philosophical positions regarding consciousness include materialism, idealism, dualism
and a variety of hybrid positions.  Choose any position and write an essay (8-10 pages) explaining
why you favor this position.  Refer to your own personal experiences as well as to the research and
theoretical knowledge covered in this course -- or in your own reading.  Compare your position with
alternative viewpoints.

Interesting websites for your browsing pleasure.  Use your critical intelligence to evaluate these or
others for extra credit.




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Last modified October 30, 1999